Sun Direct

News18 Punjab Haryana added by Sun Direct

Direct to Home DTH operator “Sun Direct” added New Regional News Channel for Punjab and Haryana Region called “News18 Punjab Haryana” on its platform. News18 Network is already giving this channel on all major Direct to Home DTH and Cable TV services. Now Sun Direct subscribers can also enjoy this channel with just 0.10/- paisa per month. Earlier this channel was also having Himachal Pradesh Region but later broadcaster is going to shift to another new upcoming channel “News18 Jammu Kashmir Ladakh Himachal”.

News18 Punjab Haryana is available on Sun Direct on Channel No.762 with just Rs.0.10/- paisa per month. Everyone can enjoy this channel with some existing basic packages. News18 Punjab Haryana is a 24×7 News channel which was only not available on Sun Direct and now finally channel is also part of the Sun Direct Family.

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