DD Free Dish

DD Free Dish 61 e-Auction to be held on 10th August

Prasar Bharati invited applications for the DD Free Dish 61st online pro-rate basis e-Auction for the vacant MPEG-2 slots. This 61 e-auction is to be held the on 10th of August 2022. This time again Prasar Bharati give chance to every category channel to take participate and win slots. DD Free Dish already giving all major popular channels on their platform in both Mpeg2 and Mpeg4 slots.

As of now, only 1 vacant slot is available in MPEG2 Frequency, because some days back only the Food Food channel was removed by DD Free Dish due to channel is not interested anymore in continuing on the platform. If this e-auction successfully happens then only one new channel gets a chance to get a slot in DD Free Dish. This 61 e-auction won channel will be available on DD Free Dish for the period of 17th of August 2022 to 31st of March 2023 and the channel has the right to withdraw at any time.

Now which channel takes participates in this Mpeg2 e-Auction, please share your opinion with us by commenting on this post.

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