Kartavya TV added on Tata Play
“Kartavya TV” is a Gujarati-language spiritual television channel in India. It primarily focuses on broadcasting content related to Hinduism, including discourses, bhajans (devotional songs), religious events, and spiritual teachings by various gurus and spiritual leaders. The channel aims to spread the message of spirituality, morality, and righteousness among its viewers. It is often watched by those interested in religious and spiritual topics or seeking guidance on spiritual matters. As per the information, Kartavya TV signed a deal with the Direct to Home DTH operator Tata Play to launch this channel along with another two channels from the same group such as Lakshya TV and Kalyan TV.
Lakshya TV Group also introduced another two Gujarati language devotional channels in India such as “Kartavya TV” and “Kalyan TV” which primarily focus on broadcasting content related to bhajans (bhakti songs), religious events, and spiritual teachings by spiritual gurus. Both channel aims to spread the message of spirituality, morality, and righteousness among its viewers.
To watch Kartavya TV on Tata Play, tune into channel number 1745 as well as Lakshya TV on channel number 1744 and Kalyan TV on channel number 1746 respectively. All three channels are Free-to-air FTA and available on all base packages without any extra cost. Tata Play is a direct-to-home (DTH) satellite television provider in India. It is a subsidiary of Tata Sky, one of the largest DTH service providers in the country. Tata Play offers a wide range of television channels and services to its subscribers, including various packages with diverse channel offerings, interactive services, and maximum high-definition (HD) channels.
Subscribers to Tata Play can choose from different subscription plans based on their preferences, including regional language channels, sports channels, entertainment channels, news channels, and more. The service also offers features like video-on-demand (VOD), interactive services, and the ability to pause, rewind, and record live TV. Tata Play competes with other major DTH providers in India, such as Dish TV, Airtel Digital TV, and Sun Direct, in offering a comprehensive range of television services to consumers across the country. Tata Play has other popular Gujarati channels such as Aastha Gujarati (Gujarati Devotional), Colors Gujarati, Colors Gujarati Cinema, TV9 Gujarati, VTV News, Sandesh News, etc.
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